Sync your password DB file anywhere=aiPBbox的同步

If you want to Sync your DB file, just download  client and
register one free account, the free storage is 2GB. That’s enough.
All are free!!!
you can use service to sync password DB file.
Just save your db file to dropbox foler, and load that file as below picture:
it is easy for you.
//中文解释:你只需要装一个 dropbox,把 密码的文件放到 dropbox的目录就可以了。
//完全免费,基于云存储,永不丢失! 真的很不错哦。我一直这么用。
step by step:
backup your DB file to dropbox foler.
then Open DB File from that file.
BTW, you can check aipb.ini to see which your current DB file.
48 comments to “Sync your password DB file anywhere=aiPBbox的同步”
  1. 同理,这样就可以 同步你的 aisnote 数据文件了。可惜 dropbox 在 国内 可能被block。哈哈。

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