Napa之行1:Robert Mondavi Winery

Napa valley 是世界第三的葡萄酒生产基地,有很多的酒庄。

上面这个酒庄叫:Robert 什么的,很对超市里有,下图的酒袋上有它的标志。
我们team 几乎人手买了一瓶红酒。 这个酒庄名气很大,不买对不去酒啊,虽然没在这里品酒。
6 comments to “Napa之行1:Robert Mondavi Winery”
  1. Hey Dawn,Research can be cool.Dear Fallen,In the study, subjects had damage from strokes. Dear Jane,I never believe that one thing causes something. I believe in multi-determinant causes. The Insula may certainly be part of the multi-determining system though. ~Deb

  2. So cute!!! I try to get a photo every year but this year Lil C refused to sit on his lap so it was just Z 🙂 I did get a picture of her touching his hat though. So adorable….enjoy the Holidays!!!

  3. A propos teď jak to tady čtu jsem si vzpomÄ›l na vÄ›tu učedníků, už nevím ve kterém evangeliu. “Ukaž nám otce a to nám stačí.” Nevím co jim tam na to Ježíš pÅ™esnÄ› odpovídá, ale asi to není nÄ›co jako “OK tady je”. A “WOW!” ItÅ› Wonderfull!

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