Direct2D is a hardware-accelerated, immediate-mode, 2-D graphics API that provides high performance and high-quality rendering for 2-D geometry, bitmaps, and text. The Direct2D API is designed to interoperate well with GDI, GDI+, and Direct3D.
硬件加速, 高性能,高质量,2D的几何,可以集成GDI,GDI+,D3D,看来不是对D3D的封装。
因为从sample 来看,它不需要安装DX SDK.
MS还是很伟大的,最近几年的开发doc 写的很good。
Developer audience
Direct2D is designed primarily for use by the following classes of developers:
- Developers of large, enterprise-scale, native applications.
- Developers who create control toolkits and libraries for consumption by downstream developers.
- Developers who require server-side rendering of 2-D graphics.
- Developers who use Direct3D graphics and need simple, high-performance 2-D and text rendering for menus, user-interface (UI) elements, and Heads-up Displays (HUDs).
Run-time requirements
- Windows 7 or Windows Vista with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Platform Update for Windows Vista
- Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 (SP2) and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008
Direct2D (or D2D) is a native immediate-mode 2D graphics rendering API that is built on top of Direct3D, and offers some compelling performance and visual quality improvements over GDI and GDI+:
· Hardware-acceleration
· Software fallback when hardware isn’t available
· Interoperability with GDI, GDI+, and Direct3D
· ClearType text rendering
· Per primitive antialiasing
· Device-independent coordinate system
· Draw and fill commands for geometries (lines, curves) and bitmaps
· Solid color, linear, radial, and bitmap brushes.
· Rendering to intermediate layers
· Rich geometry operations (eg. unions, intersections, widening, outlining, etc)
· Server-side rendering
· Preservation of rendering state
所以证明我的猜想是正确的。 不过人家 2008年 就做了。
作者还解释了为什么要开发 D2D,以及 D2D 的名称来源:
So, we embarked on building the new API, which went through several geeky name changes, until it emerged from the primordial acronym-soup as Direct2D. This isn’t surprising, given that my team is part of the same group that produces Direct3D. It was a natural fit.
Software Fallback – Should automatically fall back to software when hardware isn’t available (eg. session 0, server rendering scenarios).
关键还可以 向后兼容,如果硬件 不支持的,可以fallback to software。
Device-Independent Coordinate System – Should allow applications to be written that automatically handle DPI changes and differences.
· Rich Geometry – Should provide a rich set of functions for both defining geometries and performing common geometric operations (eg. combining, intersecting)
设备无关的 坐标系统,这一点真的非常重要,从我多年的开发经验来看。
More Direct2D Blogs
Tom Mulcahy — Tom is a Software Design Engineer on the Direct2D team, and owns a good swathe of infrastructure (bitmaps and texture management, WIC interop, clipping, etc). Prior to Direct2D, Tom worked on WPF and is widely regarded as our resident video guru.
Mark Lawrence — Mark is a Senior Software Design Engineer on the Direct2D team, and driving force behind the design and philosophy of the Direct2D API. He brings a ton of experience from his previous work on WPF, Windows Print architecture, and private industry.
Or should we regard Direct2D as WPF re-surfacing in the unmanaged world?
Direct2D and WPF are targeted at different customers. Direct2D is a lightweight native code API which uses an immediate-mode calling pattern (like Direct3D), and will be used primarily by native C/C++ developers. WPF is a managed code framework which uses a retained-mode calling pattern, and will be used primarily by .NET developers.
习惯C++ 的可以选择 D2D 来 作WPF 的效果。 呵呵。
“Server-side rendering” Does this mean support for RDP?
This is a two-part answer. Direct2D is built on top of Direct3D 10.1 and, since D3D10.1 provides both bitmap- and primitive-level remoting via RDP, it does mean support for RDP.
And, what will it take for broad adoption? Unfortunately, there seems to be a dearth of WPF apps.
Developers should use whatever tool is appropriate for their needs. If you’re writing native C/C++ code, and you need to do high-quality 2D rendering with hardware acceleration on Win7, you should use Direct2D. If you’re using managed .NET code, you should use WPF. The technologies are not in competition.
– Related to the previous question: What version(s) of D3D does this run on? Will it be backwards compatible?
It runs on Direct3D 10.1, which includes so-called 10Level9 functionality — which allows you to run D3D10.1 apps on a D3D9 driver.
需要 10.1 但可以 跑在 D3D9
does D3D10 GPU run as D3D10Level9 device for D3D10.1?
No, D3D10Level9 is only used in conjunction with a D3D9 driver.
http://channel9.msdn.com/blogs/pdc2008/pc03 channel19 的video PDC 2008
Can Direct2D ‘help out’ in WPF? I mean, my experience with WPF is its quite slow in terms of rendering compared to GDI/GDI+. Maybe you guys can build an additional layer that can make WPF render using Direct2D
WPF can interop with Direct3D9. Read these articles for more details.
涉及 WPF 与 Win32 interoperability 。
D2D animation : http://blogs.msdn.com/b/directx/archive/2009/12/12/animated-2d-graphics-for-ui-games-and-demos.aspx
对XP的支持,stay tuned?
2. Will it run on Windows XP? I assume not…
Not currently. We’ve had a number of customers asking for XP, and we’re still evaluating downlevel support. As above, stay tuned. 😉