My Projects include source code.

项目[Project] Source code or binary download 
en: Magic Flash player, transparent flash player. Like Yahoo Messager’s Winks, Qq magic emotion.
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20140807: Python2.7 完整source code和embed c/c++ Application Test. –  Free
海词在线最简单的客户端: llyDict  Free

2011-05-14 update;

aisnote-v23: integrate password box.

fix one bug: add new record, edit pwd, add new one, do not clear pwd repeat edit.

Release2011-05-14  Free
Aisnote-PDF2Txt download pdfToText_支持中文 Free
ClassLib-2008 download:This is just port from ClassLibVS2008 Free
Batch Zoom pictures tool, easily to use
 下载批量照片缩小工具 Free
Screen Capture tool include souce code. 源代码购买-Source code
PdnPdn: one open source project based of, C# code. 

Screen Capture tool include source code. VC6 and VS2008, pure C++ Native code, Any VS version can be building.

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【详细教程2-新建笔记】New Note

【密码管理器相关】Password Managerere is download!




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2010-12-13 update:多显示器支持







下载:看 文章 顶部。



aisnote 用户case:有个监狱的 狱警,就想 要 aisnote ,隔一段时间播放一个动画,提醒犯人改劳动了。呵呵 很funning!


10 comments to “My Projects include source code.”
  1. Existe alguma forma de remover botões de pressão?Vi em um blog uma sra falando que os remove com alicate, mais como assim? Eles são super duros … sei que estraga o tecido mais pretendo colocar outro no mesmo lugar…

  2. 'bout time you guys noticed us! I've only been doing helmet camera / POV videos since… 2005? And not everyone using a "helmet cam" is doing monster hucks off jumps either. I used mine for filming paintball games from ground level, and it's made for some interesting video.

  3. Just a quibble. USPS is not an essential service. Delivering mail is an essential service. However, grocery stores and a host of other businesses not run by the government are essential services. It is difficult for me to see the desirability of a government run post office when most of the mail it delivers is undesirable.

  4. Une grosse merde mal produite, mal composée et mal jouée (mention au manchot Lars Ulrich et sa caisse claire en étain du 18ème siècle), stérile et pathétique tentative de faire l’illusion qu’on est de retour aux temps révolus de la justice pour tous…! J’ai acheté ce disque et je n’ai pas pu supporter longtemps de le v…

  5. Jedyne czego mi brakuje to Admina, śmiem twierdzić, że stwórca wojów od wielu lat ukrywa się w puszczy amazońskiej zaś osoba, którą dane mi było poznać na zlocie to jedynie wynajęty statysta.

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